Classic Fireplace is One of HomeStars Best

HomeStars Best of Award 2023 Winner

You may have noticed the HomeStars badge on the bottom of our website. That’s because we here at Classic Fireplace our very proud of our recognition by HomeStars. This year we received our second “Best of Award” from HomeStars. We earned our first Best of Award last year in 2017, and now, for the second time, we have received another for our highly reviewed services. If you’re wondering what Homestars is and why we are celebrating this achievement, read on.

What is HomeStars

HomeStars is a review service for home service professionals that was begun by Nancy Peterson in 2006 “to connect homeowners with the most reputable home service professionals.” The platform helps homeowners search for and contact prospective home service professionals or businesses, allowing them to ask for information and quotes. The service also allows customers to leave verified reviews about any home service company. These reviews generate a Star Score to reflect a company’s overall excellence.

How Does HomeStars Star Score Work?

Classic Fireplace is happy to boast a nearly perfect Star Score of 97 out of 100 on HomeStars, but what does that mean? The Star Score represents how well a company is expected to interact with customers based on its previous interactions. The score considers four factors: 

  • Average Rating – the average score provided by customers in their reviews of the professional or company on Homestars
  • Recency – a reflection of how up-to-date information is about the company based on the amount of recent reviews
  • Reputation – HomeStars lowers this when they learn about a business or professional mistreating or deceiving customers
  • Responsiveness – reflection of how responsive a business or professional is to a HomeStars users’ questions and quote requests

What is the Homestars Best of Award?

The HomeStars Best of Award is only given to businesses and professionals who are committed to excellent service. To receive an award, they must have a star score above 85, receive 12 reviews within that year, and be HomeStars verified. The awards are given each year, and Classic Fireplace has now received them for two years. We plan to keep that streak by continuing to serve our customers faithfully and with the same excellence.

Why is Classic Fireplace HomeStars Verified?

HomeStars also screens companies themselves to verify they are of the highest standard to recommend them to those searching for a renovation or installation, including fireplaces or outdoor kitchens. Those who pass the screening process receive a HomeStars Verified badge on their profile. Classic Fireplace happily wears its verified badge. 

This verification puts a business or professional through a series of checks. HomeStars ensures that a professional has no indictable crimes in their criminal background. They also run a soft credit check and verify HST/GST registration to ensure funds are safe and properly managed. Last, but certainly not least, they ensure the professional or business has all the necessary professional licensing and certifications. HomeStars also performs regular checks to ensure a business still passes all of these checks. Together, these ensure someone can feel comfortable and confident when hiring a verified business or professional.

Thank You to HomeStars and All Our Customers

We’re grateful for the recognition from HomeStars and our customers who have left us great reviews there. We love hearing that you enjoy and value the service Classic Fireplace has provided you and your homes. If you have a good experience with Classic Fireplace that you’d like to share, consider mentioning them in a review on HomeStars. We love reading them.


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