Distributing Fireplace Heat Throughout Your Home

A fireplace that is centred to warm the home.

When choosing a fireplace to install into your home, it is essential you will inevitably think about style, design, and type. It is equally important to consider how these choices will heat not only the room your fireplace is installed in, but also how that heat can be distributed and utilized throughout your home. Read on to learn about how to maximize your fireplace for warmth all winter long, in every corner of your home.

Heat Output

A fireplace’s heat output is measured in British Thermal Units (BTU’s), and gas fireplaces in particular have a higher BTU, meaning they heat more of the surrounding space, keeping more of your home warm and cozy. This also means more heat that can be transferred beyond the room and into other areas of the house. A fireplace that allows you to move heat from the primary source to other parts of the house will allow you to have greater control of the heat output, which reduces overheating and helps to reduce over consumption of fuel! Connecting with the Classic Fireplace experts will help you make the best decision when picking a fireplace!

Fireplace Size Matters

The first thing to consider when ensuring that your fireplace heats more than just its immediate area is size. A larger room will require a larger fireplace with a larger heat output. If you choose a fireplace that is too small, it will have a lower heat output, and therefore struggle to heat a larger space. Come in store to one of the Classic Fireplace showrooms to design and choose the perfect fireplace for your space that is tailored to your home-heating needs!

Position it Right

Once you have determined the perfect size fireplace for your space, it’s time to figure out where it should be installed. If you want your fireplace to heat more than just the room it’s housed in, positioning it in a more central location will help spread its warmth to more areas of the home. In open plan homes or homes with a bungalow layout, placing the fireplace central will help distribute heat evenly throughout the home. In homes with vertical layouts, heat naturally rises and vents above the fireplace’s room will allow the hot air to rise and heat the upper floor.

Additionally, think about the position of furniture within the space surrounding the fireplace. By placing large couches or chairs in close proximity to the fireplace, you could block the heat from reaching other areas of the room. Instead, give fireplaces a wide berth so they are unobstructed from heating the space!

If you are in a larger home, or one without an open plan, you will need to consider more innovative measures to transfer heat throughout the space! 

Innovation Brings the Heat

Many fireplace brands are working to innovate measures to heat more than just the space the fireplace is installed in. Valor Fireplace has designed a distribution system called HeatSplit, which works to move heat from the fireplace into completely separate rooms in your house!

Napoleon has also crafted many versions of a heat distribution system to fit in with any style of fireplace you could desire. From internal blowers to flexible ductwork to circulate warm air, they have options that will be sure to fit with any model of fireplace, and any style of home!

Many Advantages to Many Sides

If you have an open plan concept in your home, consider installing a tunnel fireplace. These multi sided fireplaces have many amazing qualities, but heating multiple spaces in your home with one fireplace makes them come out on top! These stylish options can be utilized as practical room dividers or luxurious touches, but no matter why you choose them, they will do double duty to heat your home! 

Make the Hot Choice

Ensuring that your fireplace is not only a beautiful focal point in your home, but a practical and energy efficient one too is Classic Fireplace’s goal. If you are looking to increase the warmth in your home this winter, connect with us in one of our locations in Ajax, Scarborough, Toronto, or Whitby.  


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