Smart Tips for Winter Grilling in Ontario

Tasty food being prepared with some winter grilling in Ontario

Many of us are itching for “Grilling Season” to start again here in Ontario, so you should be happy when we say you don’t have to wait for the shorts and summer cookouts to fire up the grill. Winter, especially the less extreme months later in the season, can be a great time to barbeque and provide that unique flavour only a flame can provide. Here are some smart tips for winter grilling in Ontario from the experts at Classic Fireplace.

Keep It Ice-Proof

There are some safety precautions you need to take for winter grilling. A major factor is ensuring the area around your grill has no ice. Slipping around a hot grill can lead to lost food items or, much worse, a serious injury. Similarly, be sure that the path to and from your home is clear of any slipping hazards and provide proper lighting since you will be grilling in the early winter night. Unlike the summer, you won’t be spending all your time grill-side. Instead, you will be regularly walking to and from your warm house while your grill heats and the food cooks inside the grill. 

Pick the Proper Spot for Ontario Winter Grilling

To ensure the area is safe and stays free from hazards, pick an appropriate area near your home. This will shorten the distance you travel between your home and the grill for more convenience. Make sure the location has firm ground for the colder seasons. Decks and uneven surfaces can be less stable in the winter and increased slipping hazards for winter grilling. The best case is that your grill is installed into a permanent, outside kitchen near your home. These provide perfect outdoor dining areas during the warmer seasons and protection from the elements during the colder ones. If a covered space, the area must have proper ventilation and be built according to the BBQ manufacturer’s specifications. 

Be Ready for Longer Cook Times

The colder temperatures of winter mean your grill will take longer to reach the desired cooking temperature. Be sure to provide more time than usual and keep the grill closed longer to keep the heat from escaping, or else you may find yourself having dinner an hour or two later than planned. You will also use more fuel for that longer heat and cook time. A gas line will keep your BBQ fueled continuously. Otherwise, ensure you have a full propane tank, extra charcoal briquets, or a full store of wood pellets, so you don’t find yourself with a cold grill housing a half-cooked meal. 

Smart Grills Are Perfect for Winter Grilling

Those longer cook times and repeated trips back and forth can make winter grilling more cumbersome. Smart grills alleviate all those pains by allowing you to remotely monitor and control the grill over Wi-Fi with your phone, skipping those countless trips back and forth. TRAEGER’s elegant new Ironwood grills connect to an app that allows you to monitor the grill, precisely set the temperature, and even tracks the number of pellets while you can sit inside your warm home. That smart functionality also means you won’t have to open your grill as often, keeping that precious heat inside for efficient winter grilling.

Wear the Right Gloves

You should wear gloves while grilling, and no, we don’t mean your winter gloves. While they may fend off the winter chill, they are potential fire risks and won’t protect you from the heat of the grill, which will only feel more intense in comparison to the frosty temperatures. Instead use BBQ gloves. Their insulation protects your hands from both the cold and heat, while keeping your winter grilling safe. Napoleon’s Genuine Leather BBQ Gloves are a hardy standard, while the Napoleon Multi-Use Touchscreen Gloves are a sleeker option, and even work with touchscreens like your phone.

The Secret Joy of Winter Grilling in Ontario

Winter grilling in Ontario might take some more considerations, but following these great tips will have you discover one of the season’s secret pleasures. If you’re interested in learning more about winter grilling, smart BBQs, or creating that outdoor kitchen perfect for every season, contact us at Classic Fireplace.


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